Gaunt House

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Minerva McGonagall 29 1,172 by Bourne Morfin Black II
Dec 2, 2007 18:25:38 GMT -5
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Nov 7, 2007 15:27:15 GMT -5
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Minerva McGonagall 0 676 by Minerva McGonagall
May 31, 2007 16:11:49 GMT -5


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Gaunt House
Off the forrests of Little Hangleton, this house lay in ruins until Bourn Black returned to it. Seeking to live in his ancestor's house, he repaired, and improved it. It is a large shack with a still burned circle in the middle of it, from the place where Voldemort's resurrection ring horocrax was. The walls are ancient stone, grey brick. Bourn added a large fire place, and several Slytherin banners. As well as several bars, similar to muggle work-out equipment, attached to the walls. These are so his snakes will have something to hang from. Instead of a dead snake dangling from the door, Bourn attached an enchanted metal snake that will constrict and kill break-ins.
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